Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Miscellaneous stuff.

White glue, Silly Putty, bubbles. Given to Kari*.

Kari was hanging out with me while I was cleaning my room. She mentioned she didn't have any white glue (out of all the adhesives she did have), so since I had multiple bottles I gave her one. I also found this Silly Putty and the bubbles, and since she spends a lot more time derelict than I do these days, I thought she would enjoy them. She was thrilled!

*You may think that just giving things back and forth is counter-intuitive to this process, however we can defend ourselves. These are all items that are taking up space in my life and not being used at all, and by giving them to Kari I am both giving myself the space back and giving her something she is actually going to use. The point isn't "have 365 fewer things than when we started", but "get rid of 365 useless (to me) things". So far, so good.

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