Sunday, August 15, 2010


Pink gingham and black and grey damask stretch fabric, both given to Kari.

OK, first of all, can we talk about how freakin' cute Kari is? Go ahead, I'll wait.


Seriously, she's ridiculously adorable and so photogenic. I love the pictures she takes for the blog and it's cool that she's in one of mine now! She was helping to motivate me to clean while I was packing and purging, and took these two pieces of fabric. Now that I think about it, I think the pink gingham would make a really cute top from one of those patterns I gave her that I posted about yesterday. I never used it for anything because although it's a knit it doesn't really stretch. The black and grey damask I've had for years; I used part of it to cover three 10"x10" stretchers to use as art in my new apartment, and Kari is possibly going to use the rest for part of her Hallowe'en costume. Hooray!

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