Saturday, July 31, 2010


Green satin Allison Taylor top and turquoise with black and white 1960s style Joe Fresh dress. Given away to Kari.

With my new (mostly) vegan eating habits, I have lost about 15 pounds. These are both far too big for me. The dress I've seen as too big for the last three wearings or so. I just had a hard time saying goodbye to it because it's one of my absolute favourite pieces of clothing. However, knowing that it's going to Kari (which means I'll still occasionally get to see it) makes the parting easier. Same goes for the green top—I wore it a lot last summer, and loved it, but it's really not flattering on me anymore. Luckily it looks a dream on Kari.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Duct tape dress form.

Yup, that sure is a duct tape dress form. Put on on the curb on garbage day.

My friend Kym helped me make this, and of course after I had been talking about making one for years, as soon as it was finished I went and lost weight so that it's too big for me.

I may try my hand at making one again, but it's probably going to wait until I have an entire craft room it can live in.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


This picture is of a sideways lantern. it's ugly and green and has a blue splotch of paint on it. i remember it being really dim and kind of useless on our last camping trip.
Crappy or not, i was planning on bringing it with me on this camping trip. Until i turned it on and nothing happened. after closer examination, i notice that the casing is all cracked and misaligned, making the battery door jammed shut.
i suddenly remember the toddlers i went camping with using the lantern as a soccer ball.
it just now got used at a basketball. *swoosh* nothing but net garbage bag.

why do i have so much broken camping gear in my house?


Women & Fiction: Short Stories By and About Women (Susan Cahill, ed.) and Eva Luna (Isabel Allende). Gave them both to Leigh.

As I am packing my bookshelves I am realizing that books that means so much to me in my early 20s don't have the same impact they once did.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

shoe rack.

a blue plastic shoe rack, found collapsed at the back of my closet, with nary a shoe on it. it's lovely, and still highly functional... if you only have a maximum of eight pairs of shoes.

I have gifted this to a friend, who owns three pairs of shoes (is it obvious that it's a guy friend?).


Medium-sized black toolbox. Given to my roommate.

When I cleaned out my second bedroom closet, this ended up being superfluous storage. I was going to sell it, but my roommate mentioned she wanted it, so into her possession it went!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

microwave manual.

pardon the mirror image, but this is the instruction manual for the first microwave over i ever bought back in 1996.
i have not owned this particular microwave in about five years.
Since it was paper, and taking up room on my bookcase, its newly found home is the recycle bin.


A big batch of records. Given away via Freecyle*.
  • Buddy Rich — Big Band Machine
  • The Wiz Original Soundtrack Album
  • Wham! — Make It Big
  • The Beatles — 1962-1966
  • Neil Diamond — Moods
  • Frankie Goes to Hollywood — Relax 12" Single
  • Neil Diamond — Gold
  • Neil Diamond — 20 Golden Greats
  • Depeche Mode — Strangelove 12" Single
  • The Canterbury Tales Original London Cast Recording
  • Camelot Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
  • Pat Benetar — Live From Earth
  • Fiddler On the Roof Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Over the last year or so I've been carefully screening albums out of my vinyl collection. These are records that didn't make the cut. Because really, how many Neil Diamond records does one girl need? (It turns out, the answer to that question is one.)

*I am pleased to note that the woman who took these from me on Freecycle was in a dance recital version of The Wiz when she was a kid, and she was really excited to have this on vinyl!

Monday, July 26, 2010

bingo tickets.

these are a whack of bingo cards from sunday night bingo that i brought home because i will totally make some sort of art with it.
that was four months ago, and i had completely forgotten about them until i opened a drawer this morning and they popped out.
really? used bingo cards?
hey, look. a recycle bin!


Sewing 911: Practical and Creative Rescues for Sewing Emergencies (Barbara Deckert), 24-Hour Sewing Projects (Linda Causee), and 101 Crafts Under $10: Easy-to-Make Ideas For Gifts and Home. Sold via the ICN for $2.00 each.

With the wealth of pattern and crafty ideas that are available online, do I really need stuffy pattern and craft books collecting dust on my shelves? Probably not.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

beer cozy.

i won this at trailer park bingo one sunday night at the local drinking hole.

it is a beer cozy, however, it doesn't really keep beer cold. therefore, even though she's got a really nice rack, it is being gifted to one of the regulars at the tavern.


Bend-the-Rules Sewing: The Essential Guide to a Whole New Way to Sew, by Amy Karol. This book was practically new. I sold it via the ICN for $10.00.

I bought this because I am obsessed with craft books, but once I got it home I realized that it didn't actually have any projects in it that I wanted to make.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Heidi, by Johanna Spyri. I gave this to my friend Leigh's 10-year-old daughter Stephanie.

I loved this book as a child, but in rereading it recently I found it has lost some of its charm.


yep. plywood.

i really wish i was kidding.

the house down the street was renovating, and they had sheets of plywood, about 1'x4', sitting out on the curb. Me being an artist, and it being a flat surface, i nabbed four or five of these babies for 'art'. well, it's six months later, and all they've been doing is hanging out in various locals around my tiny one bedroom apartment.

i have enough surfaces to paint on. i really don't need these. So this morning, they find themselves sitting on the curb, waiting for another artist to whisk them away.

Friday, July 23, 2010


while packing for a camping trip, i came across this thermal jug.

i have no recollection of how this jug, complete with camping grit and broken spout, came to be in my bin of camping things, therfor it is getting pitched. if, however, you need a broken thermal jug, please let me know and i will rescue it from the recycle bin for you.


Two issues of Fitness, three of Shape. Sold through ICN at work to a colleague for $1.00.

Since I have decided to love my body the way it is, and to not go to the gym because it's a waste of my time and resources, I don't need these anymore.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Last night, Kari sent me a link to the Unclutterer A Thing A Day Challenge.

I decided since I'm majorly purging my house anyway, I might as well blog about it to have a record of getting rid of one thing every day for a year.

That's 365 items I'm getting rid of.

If I get rid of things like magazines, CDs, or records in batches, I'm counting that as one.

I'm sure this blog will be badly written.

But I like to keep a record.

I've also invited Kari along to play with me. She'll be around shortly.